The Upper Charles Trail Committee

The Ashland Upper Charles Trail Committee has been charged with developing a multi-use path through Ashland connecting with trail sections in Hopkinton and Sherborn. The trail will be both on and off road, and will be welcome to walkers, bikers, strollers, rollerbladers, runners. Motorized vehicles, possibly excluding e-bikes, will not be permitted.

When completed, the regional Upper Charles Trail will be an approximately 30-mile loop connecting the towns of Ashland, Hopkinton, Milford, Holliston and Sherborn and then returning to Ashland. The Milford and Holliston sections have already been completed. It may be possible to link the trail to other trails (e.g. Bruce Freeman and BWALT) as part of a statewide network that is being planned.

Key “destinations” within Ashland will include: Hopkinton State Park, the Ashland train station, the Middle School, Ashland State Park, Stone Park, downtown Ashland, Ashland High School, and the Market Basket Plaza.

The committee was formed by the Ashland Board of Selectmen in the fall of 2014.

There are 9 members on the Committee:

Joel Arbeitman (Chair)
Valerie Paul (Vice-Chair)
David Rosenblum (Secretary)
Preston Crow
Doug Costello
Tony Lewis
Chuck Lidz
Marty Ring
Rob Scherer

Committee meetings are usually held on the first and third Thursdays of each month. Everyone is encouraged to attend our meetings and help us plan and build the trail. All scheduled meetings are posted at least two days in advance on the town’s website.


